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How I Got Over My Own Sh*t, and Conquered my Bull-Honky Excuses


Ready for an activity that’s life-changing?



Before you click the back button, quick, listen how it worked for me.

A month ago I was working in a job that was pretty awesome, but the job wasn’t the trajectory for my greatest opportunity of happiness.

I didn’t even realize that I was just “happy-enough” until I did these five little life-changing steps.

And then suddenly, I was quitting my awesome job with no real plan.

Here’s what I did to find the courage and confidence to take this kinda-crazy, kinda amazing leap. And why I’m still on cloud 9 about it.


Life-changing activity time. Give yourself 20 minutes.

Come on, you lose this time just scrolling through Facebook or repeating an episode of The Office.

I’m serious about this part. Make sure you really carve out the time.

Sit in silence.
Lock yourself in a bathroom.
Just take 20 minutes by your own adorable self and invest in you.


This is a written activity. With your hands – not your thumbs (because we have to physically destroy something in a later step.)

Get your hands on 3 sheets of paper. 3 backs of envelopes will work.

Just make sure you’re writing. Not in your head. Seriously.

Have I made my point?

STEP ONE: [5 minutes]

Yay! You’re doing it. You have the sheet of paper in your hand.

First piece of paper:

What do you want to manifest?

Envision your life in 3 months, 1 year, 5 or 10 years. What is a specific moment or accomplishment you want to achieve by then?

Justing throwing it out there – Ideas
Manifesting being physically fit and damn sexy. Hubba-hubba.
Manifesting the awesome me in 10 years.
Manifesting the significant other I will grow old with.
Manifesting a ridiculous amount of money.
Manifesting being in Paris on my XXth bday.

Grab this sheet of paper, and write one topic at the top of it. Don’t stray from this topic.

What do you want in life? What do you really, really want? Do you wanna zig a zig – ahh?

Visualize it. Visualize this person as it was really you. Pin point the fun specifics too.

Does your future significant other love cuddling by a fire? Can you see yourself eating gelato on the grass under the Eiffel Tower while it twinkles?

Jot down all components of the visualization. Visualize yourself that all your dreams have come true. Oooo. Ahhhh.

Statements like:
“My significant other has a super awkward, dry sense of humor like me.”
“I forget to check my bank account balance because I always have enough.”
“I feel proud to be in a swimsuit with these legs that are powerful and strong.”
“I feel like I can do anything I want in life.”

Set a timer for 5 minutes, and write all over this paper. Write your happiness down.

All possibilities are real here!


Wasn’t that fun? Aren’t you excited? Isn’t the future you stinkin’ amazing?

I’m so proud of you.You are fierce. You are a badass. I know it in my bones.

Ok, next step.

[5 minute activity]

There are reasons why you still have the above manifestation filed in a dusty cardboard box as a dream. You’ve kept this dream buried inside you.

Let’s write down all the doubts and reasons why you feel this dream can’t be real. What are your fears? Why isn’t this dream a reality yet?

Pour these fears and doubts out on this page.

These are the thoughts that race in your head in the middle of the night. These are the fears that come about as soon as you step in the shower, and they overcome you.

What is stopping you? What things in life are preventing you from reaching this dream.

Yes – this is the dark stuff.

Disclaimer – it’s totally ok to cry.

Let yourself be vulnerable on this little sheet of paper. Only you will see it.

You may start to write these things out, and then want to stop. But for the sake of creating change in your life, flood this page and don’t stop.

Finish the five minutes. It’s cathartic.

I can’t have the significant other of my dreams because he/she doesn’t exist. Or I’m not worthy.
I can’t afford to eat healthy. I don’t have the time to eat healthy.
I can’t become an entrepreneuress because I’ll fail and go bankrupt.

STEP THREE: [5 minutes]

Ok – that was hard. And I’m proud of you.

Let’s turn this energy around. We’re headed up-Up-UP! on the emotional rollercoaster. Hang on.

Take each statement that you wrote just now and create the opposite/inverse of it.

Re-write that ugly statement into a pretty and happy statement.

Kinda like this –
Doubt-based statement:
I won’t be able to find a significant other because I am not worthy.
Turn it around:
My light shines so bright in the world. I am bright. I am confident. I am happy. I am an absolute gem. I AM SO FREAKING WORTHY.

Boom, dudette. That is powerful.

Another example – a little personal:
Fear based:
I am doomed to go bankrupt if I don’t work for someone. I will lose everything.
Turn it around:
Reyna, for Pete’s sake. You are a hustler. You are bright. You are confident. There is no doubt in the Universe’s mind that you are destined for nothing less than greatness. Money has no choice but to come extremely easy so you can live a life of abundance.

Ok – maybe I got a little carried away, but that statement reminds me when that little self-doubt bubble percolates up, that I be talking crazy. Bad grammar intentional.

Now seriously, do this activity for each and every fear statement you created.

Are you doing it?

Seriously. Write. Write for 5 minutes to start. That’s all I’m asking.





Look at the beautiful list you just created. It’s incredible. It’s inspiring.

And it is 100% the truth.


[2 minutes]

This is my favorite part.

If you haven’t done the work – written down your ish – to get to this step, you’re not even at the fun part.

Ok – take a look at all the things that you wrote on your unhappy list. Just scan them, and breath in a little bit of perspective.

Aren’t those fears a little bit silly? Aren’t they just a taaaad bit dramatic?

If your friend came to you with a dream, would you ever list off all the things you came up with during the doubt exercise to your friend? Would you try and convince someone you care about they couldn’t follow their dreams because of things on this list?

If you’re saying, “I would never be that cruel to my biffle,” why would you EVER talk to yourself in with this language?

It’s a little cruel, don’tcha think?

We talk a lot of trash to ourselves, and it’s really not fair.

In perspective, probably 75% of the content you wrote on the unhappy list is straight-up not real.

So, let’s do something about it.

Take this sheet of paper that is hurtful and inaccurate.

Let’s destroy the ugly list.

Eeek. My favorite part.

Burn it.
Rip it up.
Spit on it.
Sautee it with mushrooms. Yuck. Mushrooms.

I totes, totes vote for burning it.

It’s a little cheesy, but the symbolism is significant. You’re giving the Universe the heads up that you have no tolerance for this type of energy in your life.

Take that, Universe!


Manifesting, Affirmations, and Universe chatter seem like a woo-woo things. But all we did here was put a little bit of perspective on a dream.

  1. We visualized what we want in life.
  2. Then we made a list of the perceived things that we think make this dream not possible.
  3. We rewrote those doubts and fears into positive affirmations.
  4. We realized that our doubts are a little unfounded and maybe somewhat dramatic.

I hope the big mind blown moment is that your dream is freaking possible.

Isn’t that crazy exciting?

Sure, some of these reasons for not going after your dreams are legitimate.

I don’t mean to come across as some entitled beezy. I recognize that there are real reasons why we all can’t quit our job tomorrow and travel the world solo. Kids. Mortgages. Real responsibilities.

My point is – please hear this –  the “reasons” we create for not following our dreams are bull-honkey. “Gasp. How offensive.”

We’re so much closer to achieving something great than we give ourselves credit for.

Which excuses hold water? Which do not?


Take your happiness list full of affirmations, and tape that puppy up on your bathroom mirror.

Read it out loud to yourself a couple times today. And tomorrow. And daily afterwards.

Because the statements are real. And the more you say them out loud, the more you believe them.

You owe it to yourself to be kind, and believe in yourself.

If you don’t believe in you, who will?

One last thing before you go – do I have permission to be your second biggest cheerleader? Write in the comments below what you’re manifesting.

One of my favorite dreamers once said, “All of your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.” Hell yea.